L 4 C care reforms team

Care reform

Care reform involves improvements to the legal and policy framework, structures and resources that prevent family separation, support families to care for children well, and determine and deliver alternative care.

The goals of care reform are informed by international standards. Care reform also aims to give children a range of alternative care choices – ideally family based – in cases where they cannot be looked after by parents

Chiefs sensitization on care reforms

MECAWE's Involvment

Having transformed from a CCI to a children's welfare program we were priviliged to be chosen as an LIP in care reform Meru county. We are currently working with 7 CCIs and an SCI.

We mainly assisst in trainings and assisit CCI's conform to the best practices. We also have a pool of foster parents volunteers, trained and certified by the DCS, who have been key instrumental in preventing entry of children to Childrens charitable organizations.